Memories and imaginary fishing industry cycle between fishing crew the port of Iquique, northern Chile (1960-1990)
industrial fishing, fishing crew, North of Chile, socioculltural imaginaryAbstract
The fishing industry in Iquique went through different cycles of abundance and shortage, mainly by the vagaries of the market and the nature, which were marking the industry along its history. Within this context, we are analysing the reports and social imaginary on this new stage of the economic region, from its principal actors, the industrial fishermen from the port of Iquique (known as "crew"), and taking into account the set of practices, labor and cultural, class and gender. We infer that conform four imaginary collectives of differentiation introduced since the basis of its specificity of labor, which is going to be subject to the transformation of the mining technology and market (economic boom), generating new social changes among the crew and their cultural practices heterogeneous.
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