Geo graphical representation of the fox in the sky myth
geoglyphs, fox in the sky myth, condor, discoursive parallelismAbstract
Three sets of geoglyphs present in the Paracas and Nasca desert areas are associated with the Andean myth of the Fox in the Sky. A discoursive parallelism has been identified between the geoglyphs and the myth, establishing the geoglyphs as graphycally rendering scenes of the myth in two cases. In the third case, the characters are present but dispersed.
The myth narrates the trip of the two main characters, the Fox and the Condor to the skies. They are later joined by the Parrot. The result of the mythical actions is the apparition of vegetable species on Earth, especially the oca. These edibles are also delineated on the Nasca Plains.
These geoglyphic sets have been produced, in different styles in the places mentioned, in succesive periods. The myth, found from the Peruvian Central Andes to the Northern areas of Argentina and Chile, is still narrated today.
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