Rock art of Cueva Huenul 1 site (Neuquén, Argentina)
a persistent place in northwestern Patagonia
rock paintings, visual communication, occupational history, landscape marking, placemakingAbstract
This paper presents the initial results of the archaeological analysis of rock art from Huenul Cave 1 (CH1) (Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina). The site’s robust chronostratigraphic sequence frames human occupations between 12,000-300 calibrated years BP. The paper classifies rock art motifs on the basis of several variables and the available archaeometric data, including recently obtained radiocarbon dating by AMS of some images. It also proposes a production sequence for the motifs by connecting temporal data from other proxies to assign a chronology to the different moments of rock art production. These results are assessed in conjunction with other evidence found at CH1, which provides independent but complementary data regarding the history of its use. This integration indicates that visual communication of information, which took the form of rock art, played a fundamental –yet versatile– role in the occupational history of the site and the region. While the occupation of CH1 was neither intense nor continuous during the Holocene, rock art was a key placemaking device that shaped CH1 as a “persistent place” in the social geography of human groups in northern Patagonia.
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