Roberto Gerstmann´s Cinema
A visual construction of Chile in the mid-20th century
silent cinema, visual heritage, photographyAbstract
This article analyses Roberto Gerstmann’s cinematographic work, focusing on Chile -Visión en Colores, a series of footage from throughout Chile between 1938 and 1960. Given the scarcity of film footage from the period, the series is clearly valuable in terms of national heritage. The researchers examine aesthetic and anthropological aspects of the production using a qualitative methodology that involves organizing and categorizing images. The images of natural, socioeconomic and cultural elements were arranged narratively into a thematic structure. The subsequent aesthetic and anthropological analysis focused on visual devices and procedures to demonstrate that the author employed technical and compositional elements that he developed in a manner very consistent with his photography. Thus, the analysis suggests that Gerstmann should be considered a photographer/filmmaker.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María Paz Bajas Irizar, Margarita Alvarado Pérez, Felipe Maturana Díaz, Ignacio Helmke Miquel
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