The Maika in Rapa Nui:
Local perspective, uses and valuations about the platano in Easter Island
maíka, multipropose, analogy, rapanuiAbstract
Banana, or Maika, is an important consideration for rapanui plant. This plant diverse uses that are and have been significant in the social and cultural life of the Polynesian inhabitants of Rapa Nui throughout its recent history are held. This article explores representations, uses and valuations, considering the different social contexts in which circulates occurs and these practices are played. Maika is a multipurpose plant, and both a multinatural element has the ability to be different things in different spheres of social life; for example, is part of the vegetal landscape, is a mapping landmark tribal map, is food in its various preparations, involves the creation of various textiles and ornaments, along with being the subject of sport and recreation. These two qualities give a similar status to that of humans within the meaning and significance map of rapanui.
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